Small Batch Coffee Roasting

Small-batch coffee roasting offers several distinct benefits that contribute to the quality and enjoyment of the coffee. Firstly, it allows for greater control over the roasting process, enabling the roaster to fine-tune variables like temperature and roasting time to bring out each bean's unique characteristics and flavor profiles. This meticulous approach ensures a consistent, high-quality roast, highlighting the beans' inherent qualities. Additionally, small batch roasting supports fresher coffee, as beans are roasted in limited quantities and more frequently, ensuring that the coffee delivered to consumers is at its peak freshness and flavor. This method also allows roasters to be more experimental and responsive to customer preferences, often leading to a diverse and evolving selection of specialty coffees.

  1. What is considered Small Batch Roasting?

Small batch roasting is the process of roasting coffee beans in smaller quantities compared to larger commercial operations. The definition of a "small batch" can vary, but it generally involves roasting anywhere from 1 to 25 pounds (0.5 to 11 kilograms) of coffee beans at a time. This scale of operation allows for a high degree of control and precision in the roasting process.

2. Why is Small Batch Coffee Better?

Small-batch coffee is often regarded as superior due to its exceptional flavor and quality due to the meticulous control and precision in the roasting process. This artisanal approach allows for the creation of unique and diverse flavor profiles, as small-batch roasters can experiment with a variety of beans and roasting techniques. Additionally, the focus on freshness is paramount in small-batch roasting, ensuring that consumers enjoy the coffee at its peak flavor. Moreover, small-batch roasters often emphasize sustainable and ethical sourcing of beans, contributing to the overall quality and integrity of the coffee.

3. About Our Roasting Process

At Trifinio Coffee Company, our roasting process is steeped in over 30 years of local expertise and craftsmanship. Each batch is carefully roasted in pre-heated drums to perfection by our local artisanal roasters, ensuring that every cup you enjoy is a testament to the skill and dedication that goes into our craft. We take pride in the meticulous attention to detail (our beans are hand-checked for defects) that goes into every step of our roasting process. This commitment to quality and tradition is what sets our coffee apart. Explore our collection to discover the unique characteristics of our light roast and medium roast coffee blends, each offering a distinct taste experience that reflects the essence of our high-altitude beans.